Today world gives the opportunity to people make money from any part of the world doing business and other online works. Now, days more and more opportunity in your hand to make money. But why? Need more money than your desire. people are a very concern to earn extra income and grow their wealth themselves even if they have enough money to fulfill their desire. 

People running blindly behind money and forget about them. what people want they don't know everyone here has insecurity about their wealth, health, business, kids, property, accordingly they looking towards more sources to boost their income. People looking for more and more comfort life which increase their desire. the accomplishment of those desires requires huge amount of money to get all types of luxury in life. when it becomes to that point they looking towards other things and it will keep on. Name, Fame, Money is three main aspects of life in each human life. some of them will achieve them other struggling for entire life to complete those task of individual life. other than that as my point of view when you have got command on those particulars you never look back in your past of emptiness. Getting everything is not important, limit your desire try to share more than you have to the community who really needs. 


Most people in the world think that with money we can buy everything but how true those words are? Actually, it totally depends on each human life. Money is playing very significant role in every human being life. The wish becomes a desire, and desire becomes strong necessity. We always try to fulfill those necessities. But, limited incoming money in your life you can't satisfy all your desire. Even you are rich and able to achieve all desire you still have few wishes you can't complete them.

Future of life is depending on money or money is depending on life that's a big confusion going into people's mind. I ask people who are working every day is this all you want to do for life, work for money and satisfy desire our and family members.
Role of Money in life
Head of the family wishes or desire to earn money or make money with hard work with his or her passion and skills but he can't take moment to see where is the life going and after so many years of work he realize that he is too tired to work and make money. When he looks at his past and think what he did in his life he has no clue. Life partner is staying home and saving his earning trying to make better livings for the family. Kids are growing together with more challenging task life in future. They have their own desire and wish, to fulfill with their parent's money.
so, the base of life depends on money, not only for the grownups but every generation in today's world. Money without life and money with life both prospects are reflects differently in every human being.
The future goal of life, to reach this task of life we ruin our present life and when we reach there we still think about the next future goal or desire of life. Never ending the story of desires, I complete in short but I will touch more aspect about these topics of life and money in my next blogs.